HLA B51 and B5 Diagnostic Kit, SSP-PCR assay

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HLA B-5 and B-51 Diagnostic Kit is designed to determine HLA B-5 and B-51 alleles based on the Polymerase Chain Reaction method using sequence specific primer (PCRSSP), which enables amplification of defined DNA sequences. The principle of the SSP assay is to generate an amplicon only when the sequence of a primer is perfectly complementary to the target sequence of a DNA sample. On the other hand, noncomplementary primer do not bind to the DNA and then no amplification takes place.

Category: SKU: N/A


Kit content

Components 48 reactions 96 reactions
B-5, B-51 Master Mix, 2X 288 µl 576 µl
B-5 Primer Mix 65 µl 130 µl
B-51 Primer Mix
 65 µl 130 µl


Shipment condition is checked by ROJETechnologies. After arrival, all components should be kept dry at -20 °C. When storage condition is as directed, all components are stable until expiration date, as indicated on the kit box.

Intended Use

HLA B-5 and B-51 Molecular Diagnostic Kit is an in vitro nucleic acid amplification test for rapid group-specific detection of HLA B-5 and B-51 alleles of human major histocompatibility complex in the biological materials (whole blood and oropharyngeal swabs). Notice that, assay for the molecular typing of HLA B-5 and B-51 is based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We recommend all users to study PCR experiments guideline, before starting their work. . 5

Guarantee & Warranty

ROJETechnologies guarantees the efficiency of all manufactured kits and reagents. For more information on choosing proper kits based on your needs, please contact our technical support team. If any product does not satisfy you, due to reasons other than misuse, please contact our technical support team. If problem is due to manufacturing process, ROJE team will replace the Kit for you.

Warning and Precautions

Due to chemical material usage that may be hazardous, always make sure to wear suitable lab coat, disposable gloves, and protective eyewear. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for all products and reagents are provided. They are accessible online at www.rojetechnologies.com.

Quality Control

All ROJETechnologies products are tested against predetermined experiments on a lot-to-lot basis according to ROJETechnologies ISO-certified quality management system, to ensure consistent product quality. For your information, the results of all experiments are accessible by addressing REF and Lot number on web at www.rojetechnoloes.com.


HLA B-5 and B-51 Molecular Diagnostic Kit is designed to determine HLA B-5 and B-51 alleles based on the Polymerase Chain Reaction method using sequence specific primer (PCR-SSP), which enables amplification of defined DNA sequences. The principle of the SSP assay is to generate an amplicon only when the sequence of a primer is perfectly complementary to the target sequence of a DNA sample. On the other hand, non-complementary primer do not bind to 6 the DNA and then no amplification takes place. Evaluation of the result is performed by agarose gel electrophoresis. In the electric field the amplicons separate according to their size. If no amplification takes place, no specific band is seen. This kit is tested for 786 individuals and has shown 100% concordance compared to sequencing, showing 100% specificity and sensitivity in this population size.


Primer pairs are designed for typing HLA B-5 and B-51 alleles. HLA locus-specific amplification is performed in a thermal cycler using the amplification primer mix, template DNA, and the B-5, B51 Master Mix, 2X. After successful amplification, the genomic DNA target sequence is present in a detectable concentration. Each reaction contains an internal control primer pair, which amplifies a conserved region of a housekeeping gene in every PCR reaction mix showing if the PCR reaction had taken place and to exclude results based on inhibitors, non-sufficient DNA and displaced primers from other wells. After the PCR process, the amplified DNA fragments are size-separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and exposure to ultraviolet light, documented by photography and interpreted. Interpretation of PCR-SSP results is based on the presence or absence of specific PCR product(s). The relative sizes of the specific PCR product(s) may be helpful in the interpretation of the results.

Equipment & Reagents to Be Supplied by User

  • Thermal Cycler
  • Pipets and pipet tips
  • Microwave oven / Heating Equipment
  • Agarose gel electrophoresis system
  • PCR tray rack
  • Mineral oil (for thermal cyclers without a heated lid)


  • Population studies
  • Disease associations
  • Pharmacogenomics

Technical Assistance

ROJETechnologies guarantees your complete satisfaction. ROJE technical support team composed of highly trained experienced scientists, who are able to troubleshoot most problems you face. Our technical support team can offer expert advice which may help you select suitable product.

Contact our technical support at any time by selecting one of these ways:

  • Through our telephone and fax number available at ROJETechnologies website.
  • You can submit your question directly to ROJE Technical Support Team from our website (rojetechnologies.com)

Or send your questions to this email address, [email protected]

Additional information

Size (prep / reaction)

48 reaction, 96 reaction


Features Specifications
Enzyme Recombinant Taq Polymerase
Reaction type PCR Amplification
Sample gDNA, cDNA
Single / Multiplex Multiplex


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