Viga SARS CoV-2 and Influenza A/B Molecular Diagnostic Kit

The Viga SARS CoV-2 and Influenza A/B Molecular Diagnostic Kit contains three primer/prob sets(InfA, InfB and SC2) that target the RNA of InfluenzaA, InfluenzaB and SARS CoV-2 separately.

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Tel: 021 91070705 ext.404
Mobile Number: 0910 219 7806



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ROJETechnologies was founded in 2014 as a manufacturer and supplier of quality extraction & diagnostic kits for the local market in IRAN. Today, ROJETechnologies is a trusted brand and original manufacturer of high quality innovative solutions, services, kits and R&D reagents within the molecular & cell biolo- gy field. ROJETechnologies develops, manufactures and markets high quality molecular isolation and diag- nostic kits for more than 7 years through local and regional network of distributors. ROJETechnologies has built itself into a first-class lead- ing biotechnology enterprise in IRAN.

The product range include comprehensive list of over 600 cat of quality isolation & diagnostic products. In addition to the existing products, new products such as ELISA kits, RAPID tests, and automated extraction machines will be added to our basket of supply soon.